Take lightning safety into your own hands

Lightning kills more people on an annual basis than tornadoes, hurricanes or winter storms - so play it safe outdoors! Whether you're on the golf course, hiking or biking, or the kids are on the soccer field, use a StrikeAlert personal lightning detector to give you an early warning of the storm.

Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the US and the rates are on the rise. Heat stroke from exercise is one of the 3 leading causes of sudden death in sports activities. The StrikeAlert HD Field couples heat index monitoring with lightning detection providing the tool you need to play it safe outdoors!

StrikeAlert, StrikeAlert HD, and StrikeAlert HD Field are portable detectors that detect lightning up to 40 miles away and tells you whether the storm is coming toward you or not. StrikeAlert HD Field adds the capability to monitor the heat risk. Whether working, exercising, or playing outdoors, use a StrikeAlert to provide you with early warning of dangerous weather conditions.

Strike Alert HD Field

Heat and humidity can be a dangerous combination in the outdoors. The StrikeAlert HD Field is the only portable lightning detector which monitors heat stress as well as potential lightning danger. No other portable detector gives you this information in one package.

StrikeAlert HD Field measures how it really feels when relative humidity is factored with actual temperature. Easy-to-read display shows when conditions become dangerous. Now, with the HD Field, you can stay informed about current conditions and how they measure up to the four Heat index warning levels.

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Strike Alert Lightning Detector

A "Strike Alert Lightning Detector" is a portable electronic device designed to detect the presence of lightning activity in the vicinity. These devices are typically used in outdoor settings where there may be a risk of lightning strikes, such as during camping, hiking, or outdoor events.

Strike Alert Lightning Detectors work by detecting the electromagnetic radiation emitted by lightning strikes. When lightning occurs, it generates a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves and static electricity. The lightning detector picks up these signals and alerts the user to the presence of lightning in the area.

Different models of Strike Alert Lightning Detectors may have various features, such as audible alarms, visual indicators (such as LED lights), and distance estimation capabilities to determine the proximity of lightning activity. These devices are used as safety tools to warn individuals of approaching lightning storms so they can take appropriate precautions, such as seeking shelter indoors to avoid the risk of being struck by lightning.